Copywriter. Content Creator. Comedian. A Bit Off-Centered.


Legion - Season 2

All in your head:

The critically acclaimed FX series ‘Legion’ is predicated on mocking your cerebral senses, tricking your mind to believe what is, really isn’t, and what isn’t is indeed reality. To tease at the much anticipated second season, we created a social video turned broadcast spot that places viewers on the therapy couch of the mental parasite Lenny (Aubrey Plaza). Lenny takes on the role of psychiatrist, diagnosing the viewer with a case of insanity, making us believe that the show was nothing but a figment of our warped minds… that it was all in our heads.


The critically acclaimed FX series ‘Legion’ is known not just for its beautifully peculiar narrative, but also its visually twisted aesthetics. For the lead up to the much anticipated season two premier, we created a series of zoomquilt-inspired recap videos that pushes us through consciousness of the show’s different characters. Each video depicts a whirling dervish of motion, transitioning viewers through a kaleidoscope of compelling and haunting visuals from season one.

Legion — FX Networks

social and AV Campaign


Legion is a show that tricks the mind, taking viewers on trippy foray to the strangest recesses of the subconscious. So we created a social and AV campaign that exploits audience’s perceptions. You think you know where you are, when you are… who you are. But, do you really? Maybe nothing you’ve come to know, even yourself, is real. Or maybe it is. Or isn’t…

All in Your Head

Irrational Recap



ECD: Glenn Sanders

ACD: Ellie Lloyd

Copywriter: Patrick Tamisiea

Producer: Evan Jackson